This is essential background stuff for this unit.

You have to know the following acts of Parliament in terms of their legacy for the history of British broadcasting. I have included a link to help you find information with each piece of the legislation.
Ownership and Public Service Broadcasting
The central debate is about public service (largely the BBC) versus commercial 'independent' broadcasting (as represented by ITV/ SKY for instance).
A lot of what you need about the independent sector as realised by the ITV companies and Channel 5 surrounds the Broadcasting Act of 1990 and the deregulation that followed. Most of the information you need for the impact in the early years after deregulation will be served by reading pp 202-209 of David McQueen - 'Television: A Media Student's Guide'.
You will have to know about the recent Ofcom PSB review that was delivered in January of this year:

A guardian article about the same review:
Guardian Article
And lastly a Stephen Fry speech from May 2008 about the BBC and the future of public service broadcasting in the UK. Worth a look at.
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